Detailed introduction to Used Agilent Technologies 71400C Lightwave Signal Analyzer:
The 71400C lightwave signal analyzer combines Agilent's highest performance RF spectrum analyzers with a sensitive, wide-bandwidth optical-receiver for analyzing lightwave communications systems and components.
Featuring bandwidths from 100 kHz to 22 GHz and wavelength operation from 1200 to 1600 nm, the 71400C easily and accurately makes measurements of relative intensity noise (RIN), linewidth, and modulation performance on single-mode optical fiber.
The 71400C can achieve a displayed average noise level low enough (< 65 dBm optical) to observe and measure intensity noise and RIN produced by semiconductor lasers. Coupled with a built-in attenuator that enables lasers with up to 1 watt of power to be tested, the lightwave signal analyzer provides you with outstanding measurement range.